Microsort in North Cyprus
Cyprus IVF Centre is happy to announce that MicroSort® will be available in North Cyprus from 1 September 2011. Although this treatment will be available to all clinics, Dogus will be the only regulated hospital to offer this innovative treatment in North Cyprus!
MicroSort® is a technique, developed by the Genetics and IVF Institute of the United States, to sort sperm prior to conception.
The sperm is sorted into two batches, one which primarily produces male embryos and one which primarily produces female embryos.
Through extensive research, it has been shown that MicroSort® is 90% accurate in gender selection for a girl and approximately 75% accurate in sex selection for a boy.
Microsort® with IVF and ICSI
MicroSort® can be used with traditional IVF treatment, prior to fertilisation of the embryos, to increase the probability of a male or female child.
What are the success rates?
MicroSort® results are determined by measuring the percentage of sperm for the desired gender in a sample. The sperm sorting method cannot guarantee a child of the preferred gender because the technology doesn’t completely exclude either female or male sperm cells from the enriched sample.
However, success rates for producing the desired gender are very high.
MicroSort® procedure Desired gender Percentage of desired gender in sperm sample Success rates for producing children of the desired gender
X Sort Female 88% 93%
Y Sort Male 74% 85%
Microsort® with PGD
If MicroSort® is used in conjunction with our high tech PGD gender selection method, the chance of pregnancy with a healthy baby of the desired sex is 100%.
MicroSort® procedure Desired gender Percentage of desired gender in sperm sample Success rates for producing children of the desired gender
X Sort Female 88% 100%
Y Sort Male 74% 100%
The sperm is sorted prior to egg fertilisation. On the fourth day of embryo development our Cyprus IVF Centre embryologists will take a biopsy from each embryo. These cells will be tested for chromosome anomalies and also to determine the gender of the embryo.
By combining MicroSort® with PGD, you are increasing your chances of genetically healthy babies of your desired gender.
***** Book Now To Avoid Disappointment! *****
We are receiving a very large number of reservations for our MicroSort® gender selection treatment so please get in touch as soon as possible to book your treatment.
For a limited time only, we are including Microsort® in our PGD package for no extra cost!
Microsort® Cyprus Rumours
It has come to our attention that some clinics in North Cyprus have already been “offering” MicroSort® since June and July 2011. This is entirely false. MicroSort® will not be available anywhere in Cyprus until September 2011.
MicroSort® is a patented technology and will be independently provided by the MicroSort® Company to all participating clinics.
Please contact MicroSort® directly for reliable information.
MicroSort Cyprus