The Ones Who Need Sperm Donation:
The Selection of Sperm Donors:
The sperms are frozen and stored in the sperm bank, for which the necessary tests were previously performed, and fertilizability was proven. In accordance with the physical characteristics of the applicant couple, the bank sperms and the eggs of the receiver are combined together by the microinjection system to generate the embryo, and transfer process towards the receiver is scheduled.
Donor sperm for sperm donation in Cyprus ivf centers is taken from “CRYOS” which is one of the most reliable sperm banks in Europe . There are hundreds of different sperms with different characteristics in our labaratory bank. We give the information about the phenotipic properties of the sperm donors and try to match the recipients partner characteristics and special needs.
Innovation in Sperm Donation
Cyprus ivf centerswould like to announce the new service of selecting sperm:
The person who contact Cyprus ivf centers team and decided for the Sperm Donation treatment have the ability to choose the sperm sample according to the characteristics that is being looking for.
We as Cyprus ivf centersare happy to announce this innovative service and you are more than welcome to contact us for any help and guidance.
The steps that are being followed in this process starts with contacting Cyprus ivf centersteam. The International Patient Coordinator that is guiding you will give the full information about how to access to the website of Cryos Sperm Bank and choose the sample that is needed.
The Cycle of Sperm Donation
The couples who want to contribute to sperm donation process should primarily start a IVF treatment. IVF treatment is repressed by the use of a medicine on the 21st day of the periods of the expectant mother. Afterwards, within 8-10 days the induction is started by using needles with the aim of multiplying the egg cells on the 3rd day of her new periods. These needles are injected with variant doses as per the age of the expectant mother. The couples who decide to have a sperm donation treatment will come into contact with their special doctors in their local area, or with the doctors we suggest; and will have the necessart arrangements done.
Success Rate
Success rate is approximately 70%, and known to vary depending on the age of the female, and responses of the ovaries against induction. The course of pregnancy is identical with the pregnancy of regular intercourse, and the possibility of abortion or birth defect is similar. In case the couple wants one more baby, as a sibling for the child they had through donation, the sperms that were previously used for this treatment are likely to be used again.