Tandem Cycle in Cyprus

Many women struggle with the decision to use donor eggs. At Cyprus IVF Centre, we allow you to use both your own eggs and donor eggs during one cycle, guaranteeing healthy embryos, even if your own eggs fail.
Tandem cycle in Cyprus is not used in many IVF hospitals in other parts of the world. However, here in North Cyprus, we provide the opportunity to use donor eggs in conjunction with your own eggs; this means that you have the option of which embryos to transfer.

The procedure is similar to many other IVF treatments. You will take stimulation medicine for approximately 8 days prior to arriving in North Cyprus. During your first visit, we will scan you to check your ovarian reserve and endometrial thickness. If the scan shows that your eggs are of an appropriate size, we administer the Pregnyl injection. Thirty six hours later, we perform egg collection on both you and the donor simultaneously. All of the eggs obtained will be fertilised with your partner’s sperm and then develop over a period of 2 or 3 days. The embryologist will monitor the embryos and assess their quality, and you will be provided with full information. You can then make the decision regarding whether to transfer your own embryos, the donor embryos or a combination of both.

The tandem cycle is suitable for women who have poor egg quality or a low ovarian reserve. Poor responders also benefit from the tandem cycle in Cyprus. If you know that you have poor eggs, but you desperately want to try to conceive with your own eggs one last time, then the tandem cycle in Cyprus offers you a “back-up plan”, just in case.
Who is a good canditate for Tandem IVF Cycle?
Generally older women prefer Tandem IVF cycle more often, since their natural FSH levels are higher and egg quality is lowered as they age.
Tandem IVF cycle gives the benefits of having two infertility treatments as a package. We have a very high success rate in Cyprus IVF Centre, thus this treatment is a popular option in our clinic.
For more information regarding your options for Tandem IVF Cycle in Cyprus please fill our contact form.

